The Kriska Collection is a study of metallic textiles made for Kriska Decor, the collection originated with over 20 canvases grouped into 4 style categories for the home. The curtains are made of chain links and maybe used as space separators, wall hangings or curtains. I was first attracted to the way the metal links move, they chink and sway sensuously and feel cool to the touch. Here is a selection of my favourite works above. Baldosa – means tile in Spanish, it´s a definite reference to the amazing tile with broken patinas of my time working as a design in the Middle East. The way the light catches the tiles and the glow of the sunlight was my inspiration. Boti – I nearly chose fine art instead of Interior architect. I was fascinated with Italian Art, ciaroscuro light and dark. Boti comes from Botticelli, this was an experimental piece of weaving an renaissance style image onto a modern material such as anodised steel. My advice is then also to always light the curtain to get the play of claro oscuro. Stripes and Earth Red are both experiments in colour spectrums and colour gradients. Stripes was a beautiful collaboration as we are able to use alchemy to create new colours of steel to find the exact tones I wanted. The curtains have been shown in design exhibitions around the world.